The Journey Begins

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Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton


What is Breatharianism?

It’s a life practice on a path of total health. It’s awareness of your own inner power, your natural ‘pranic’ energy, and learning to build on that energy on that path of health. A program of ‘limitlessness’ of Human potential.

What if… you don’t ever have to be sick? What if… you don’t even have to die?

This is no longer far fetched. Humanity has reached the level of consciousness where the understanding of this concept is within reach. As I outlined in my previous message, thought is magic and we are the Creators of our own reality.

We are talking about purification. We are talking about something that only those who are ready to grow up will be able to accept. Because to step into your inner Creator-Child Self you must be ready to put aside the childish ways. That means desire naturally falls away, just as a child comes to the decision one day to stop playing with dolls, to put away those ‘silly little kid toys’ simply because they no longer enjoy those things.

It is a process. It takes time. Be kind to yourself just as you would be kind to any child. Don’t expect too much from yourself too soon. But eventually you will learn that you are source itself and therefore what need do you have of any outside nourishment?

Breatharianism is eating very little, or none at all. It is not the same thing as fasting but may involve fasting in the beginning stages, and may take many years of practice to achieve. All the knowledge about Breatharianism is available to you right now. There are frauds who are making false claims and may steer you in the wrong direction. Stay away from those who promise luxury retreats for a lot of money. The Breatharian journey is one of giving up the material desires and pleasures.

The best teacher of the Breatharian knowledge is Elitom El-amin. You can find his videos on Facebook and Youtube. Any retreat that he may offer will be genuine, if you feel that you need a retreat or a more intensive instruction.

I will add more to this essay as I acquire more information that I feel will be helpful. I am on this journey with you. Smile! You just found out you are immortal.

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    1. Some will find anything to avoid finding themselves. I know. It’s ok. Not sure what the problem is with that word, but I’d rather see through a single word, and not be whirred in the cyst- stem caught in the spells, but that’s just MY choice. Here’s what the ‘dictionary’ says:

      “the photographer always says, irregardless of how his subjects are feeling, “Smile!””


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